Jesus at the tomb, Christmas story devotional

Day 31 – A Kingdom with no end.

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy. He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.” Psalm 68:5-6 


Baby Jesus grew up. But his story does not end after the Christmas season is over. It is only beginning, and his Kingdom has no end.

The Gospel of John was written by John, a fisherman and personal friend and disciple of Jesus. John was part of Jesus’ inner circle of Peter, James, and John. He witnessed the Transfiguration of Christ, was there during the Crucifixion, and was asked by Jesus to take care of his mother Mary when Jesus was dying on the cross. John was the first disciple to recognize Jesus after His Resurrection, and he went on to live a zealous life and death for the sake of Christ. He was put into boiling oil and tortured, but when that couldn’t kill him, he was exiled to the Greek island of Patmos. John had a deep personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and it shows in his writings:

John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
All things were created through Him,
and apart from Him not one thing was created
that has been created.
Life was in Him,
and that life was the light of men.
That light shines in the darkness,
yet the darkness did not overcome it.

John 1:14, 17
The Word became flesh
and took up residence among us.
We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
Indeed, we have all received grace after grace
from His fullness
for the law was given through Moses,
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

“Your heart must not be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.”
John 14:1-4

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10


From Genesis 3:15 when God first promised us a Savior, to the most famous verse of the Bible found in John 3:16, God has been telling us about the promised Savior. The Bible is the Christmas story!

John 3:16
For God loved the world in this way:
He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.


A New Year – a New Hope. It is easy sometimes to dwell on our past and look back on our mistakes, but when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, God immediately wipes away our past and welcomes us with the righteousness of His Son Jesus. God hates the evil that tries to destroy this world and keep us away from Him, but God loves us even more and is willing to forgive us for any wrongdoing if only we ask and turn our heart towards him. Jesus’ life on earth shows us that His grace is not decided by how good or knowledgeable we are, who we are or where we happened to be born, but it is all because of the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us. Through our faith, we can have assurance that we will someday be in heaven with Jesus and His kingdom that has no end.

Happy New Year, Christmas Story Devotional

* Happy New Year! *


Life and Heart

A Christmas Story Devotional: 31 Days of the Christmas Story from Genesis to John

Follow along for the 31 days of December and experience a new and exciting appreciation for the ancient Christmas story we celebrate today. The story of Jesus and the meaning behind the celebration of Christmas is woven throughout the entire Bible – from the beginning of mankind in Genesis to the resurrection of Jesus as told by the apostle John some 4000 years later. 

Paperback and Kindle versions are available from Amazon.


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About the Author

Sue McCusker is a writer, Bible teacher, and web developer who loves to share the stories of life, hope, and faith she sees around her every day. She has written for Guideposts and  Angels on Earth magazines, and teaches the story of God in women's Bible study.